'After The Angels' is Zoe Marie Bel's debut novel.
Zoe's debut novel 'After The Angels' is three interrelated stories about survival and rising again in Los Angeles.
A street entrepreneur determined to escape homelessness must escape Los Angeles instead, after the criminals in his life threaten his already fragile future. A female surgeon whose wife suddenly dies is struggling to raise their young son alone, until an impromptu road-trip around the city compels new honesty in mother and son. A Hollywood actress, publicly unraveling under the weight of a terrible secret, is challenged by the reappearance of an old face in town. These are the three characters of 'After The Angels', with each of their stories rippling into the others in ways large and small.
A cinematic literary drama (think: David Benioff's 'The 25th Hour' meets Jennifer Egan's 'A Visit from the Goon Squad'), 'After The Angels' is a portrait of striving, resilience and love in its many colors, amid a city whose angels can sometimes seem elusive.
A website for the novel is forthcoming. You can sign up there to be notified when the novel publishes. After publication, the site will feature background information and multi-media related to the novel.
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